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History Teacher's Association of NSW


ABN: 74 679 202 422

T: (02) 9518 4940 | E: [email protected]


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History Teachers' Association of NSW, PO Box 219, ANNANDALE NSW 2038 AUSTRALIA

Payment must accompany all orders other than "Official School Orders". (Peronal Cheques are NOT acceptalbe).

SCHOOL ORDERS - You may print this order and attach to your official School Purchase Order and forward to the HTANSW office (see address above) or EMAIL: [email protected]


  • Any adjustments to this printout will not be honoured.
  • Shipping fees must have an amount for this to be a valid quote.
  • HTANSW Membership is NOT transferable.
  • "School Members" - discount for 'official school purchases' only. "Personal Members" - may not transfer membership
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Regular Cost: {{cartItem.RegularCost | currency : '$' : 2}}
{{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}}
{{cartItem.Quantity | number : 2}} {{cartItem.UnitCost * cartItem.Quantity | currency : '$' : 2}}
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  • Start: {{cartItem.CartBooking.BookingStart | date: [cartItem.CartBooking.ShowTime ? 'd/MM/yyyy h:mm a' : 'd/MM/yyyy'] }}
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  • End: {{cartItem.CartEvent.EventEnd | date: ['d/MM/yyyy h:mm a'] }}
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{{attendee.Address1 + (attendee.Address2 ? ', ' + attendee.Address2 : '')}}
{{attendee.City}}, {{attendee.RegionText}} {{attendee.PostalCode}}
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{{checkout.shipping.City}}, {{(checkout.Region | filter: {EntryID : checkout.shipping.RegionID} : true)[0].Text}} {{checkout.shipping.PostalCode}}
{{(checkout.countries | filter: {EntryID : checkout.shipping.CountryID} : true)[0].Text}}
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{{checkout.billing.City}}, {{(checkout.billingRegions | filter: {EntryID : checkout.billing.RegionID} : true)[0].Text}} {{checkout.shipping.PostalCode}}
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