
Congratulations to our President!

We would like to congratulate our current President, Robyn McKenzie, for receiving a prestigious James Sturgiss Exceptional Service Award from the Professional Teachers' Council (PTC) at their annual awards night on 22 February 2023. This award is nominated and selected by the PTC Executive. Robyn's award citation read as follows:

As President of History Teachers’ Association of New South Wales since 2019, Robyn McKenzie has been beset by unprecedented challenges. In her first year she calmly and professionally managed the association through the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, Robyn recognised the need for, and guided HTANSW through, significant institutional change and development as the core activities and priorities of the association evolved. This required updating the association’s business structure, hiring a new employee, moving the association onto a new website and much more. These initiatives built on Robyn’s contributions to the association as a Board member over many years and have ensured that the History Teachers’ Association of New South Wales has emerged as a stronger, more professional and forward-looking enterprise.

The Board of the History Teachers' Association of New South Wales and its employees would like to recognise Robyn's dedication and commitment to supporting the History teaching profession and celebrate with her on this wonderful achievement.

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