

By Ken Webb

OUT OF STOCK This book is not intended as an all-purpose textbook. However, it is hoped that it will provide an accessible overview and sound guide to the study of a range of historians relevant to the NSW Extension History course for both students and teachers. It brings together a variety of information, resources and advice to support the discussion, wide reading and research that takes place in Extension History Classes. This second edition includes new chapters on Arnold Toynbee and Norman Davies.
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Pages: 124 pp
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Chapter 1: What is History?
Chapter 2: Herodotus
Chapter 3: Polybius
Chapter 4: Other Ancient Historians
Chapter 5: Bede
Chapter 6: Gibbon
Chapter 7: Macaulay
Chapter 8: von Ranke
Chapter 9: Christopher Hill & Marxist Historiography
Chapter 10: The Annalists
Chapter 11: Arnold Toynbee
Chapter 12: Elton, Carr & Berlin
Chapter 13: Norman Davies
Chapter 14: Postmodernism, Relativism, Deconstructionism...
Chapter 15: Henry Reynolds & Keith Windschuttle

Ken Webb has been teaching history in NSW schools since the 1970s. He is a regular lecturer at the HTA HSC Study Days and has written widely on many aspects of history.